What I Offer Virtually
You know things aren’t right…
… and it’s time for a change. But you just feel “stuck” and “lost.”
Dissatisfaction in your relationships.
Maybe you’re fighting an internal battle within yourself.
You aren’t alone. The typical client that comes for therapy feels just like you – resourceful, goal-oriented, and open-minded. But they need guidance on getting past a situation or troubling memory.
The typical client is an entrepreneur, a director, manager/supervisor, a blue-collar employee, or even a student.

But you were betrayed, again.
You feel disappointed in your weakness. Resentful for even thinking you could trust again.
Alone and afraid – flashbacks of ‘that’ scary moment… shortness of breath, nausea, jitters, the need to get away
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Doing your best to cope…
“I can tough it out…. This will go away with time… I just need to have someone around me and not be by myself.”
But deep down, you can’t help but think…
“This is only going to get worse… I may never feel whole again… I may never trust myself again.”

Does life seem to be happening TO you?
… instead of YOU creating the life you want?
We can’t control the world. Can’t control what other people do, what other people say, or how other people feel
about us.
But you are repeatedly told that you are responsible for changing your situation.
So, you invest lots of time, energy, and money to control everything within your power.
But each time you fail. Things just keep happening TO you.
You begin to wonder, “Is there even a point in trying anymore”.
Losing connection… with EVERYTHING, it seems.
When was the last time you truly felt whole?
There’s disconnection with your surroundings, family, and friends… even yourself.
The relationship with your partner is starting to suffer… with no middle ground to solve your problems.

We all have our breaking points.
When you reach your breaking point, it’s time to reach out… for help.
With professional guidance, you can truly feel whole again within yourself and your environment.
You can rebuild and strengthen broken relationships.
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Reconnect to the world.
But this time, feel in control of YOUR life.
Learn exactly how to change your life to one you deserve.
Using renowned therapeutic techniques, you can learn to alter troubling memories and negative thoughts that are negatively impacting your life.
Reset those pain points to become beacons of love and acceptance.

Hi! I’m Robyn

I’m the therapist you have been looking for.
When you walk into my office, you will be transported into a serene place where you are met with the scent of essential oils, soft music playing in the background, and a welcoming couch with your name all over it.
There’s a beautiful relaxing view through a large window. And I will meet you with a sincere smile, unconditional acceptance, and genuine compassion in a judgment-free and relaxing environment.
Here, even your wildest thoughts are met with understanding and compassion. You will feel heard, understood, and, most importantly, normal.
My clients leave the first session feeling closer to their ideal self with a better understanding of their thoughts and feelings.
Talking to me is nothing like talking to your friends – or family.
It’s like talking to your inner-soul.